Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

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Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

Post by sermon16 »

:?: Vorrei acquistare un NAS ma sono indeciso fra il Qnap TS253A e il TS253B :? . Premetto che a me interessa per un uso casalingo fra il Multimediale, il Backup di 3 PC e la visione di 2 IP CAM. La differenza di prezzo non e' molta, per cui sono proprio indeciso :? . Hanno entrambi le HDMI per collegarli alla TV :D , ma nella versione "253B", ci sono delle caratteristicheche mi spingerebbero in quella direzione . La possibilita' di mettere il Wireless tramite la scheda espansione, il Lettore di schede di memoria sul frontale e un Telecomando decisamente migliore :D .
:?: Inoltre dovendo acquistare il tutto vorrei anche un consiglio su quali HDD comprare. I WD RED da 4TB o i SEAGATE Iron Wolf da 4 TB ? :?: Inoltre sapere se nel caso mi consigliaste i WD RED a 5400 rpm o a 7200 rpm ?
Vi ringrazio molto :DD e un salutone a tutti :wink: !
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Re: Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

Post by Don »

English please as this is an English language forum.
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Use RAID and external backups. RAID will protect you from disk failure, keep your system running, and data accessible while the disk is replaced, and the RAID rebuilt. Backups will allow you to recover data that is lost or corrupted, or from system failure. One does not replace the other.

NAS: TVS-882BR | F/W: | 40GB | 2 x 1TB M.2 SATA RAID 1 (System/VMs) | 3 x 1TB M.2 NMVe QM2-4P-384A RAID 5 (cache) | 5 x 14TB Exos HDD RAID 6 (Data) | 1 x Blu-ray
NAS: TVS-h674 | F/W: | 16GB | 3 x 18TB RAID 5
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Re: Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

Post by sermon16 »

I would like to buy a NAS but I'm undecided between the Qnap TS253A and the TS253B: . I claim that I'm interested in home-use between Multimedia, 3 PC Backup and 2 IP CAM viewing. The price difference is not much, so I'm just indecisive:? . They have both HDMIs to connect them to TV: D, but in the "253B" version, there are some features that would push me in that direction. Possibility to put the Wireless through the expansion card, the memory card reader on the front and a much better remote control: D.
:?: Besides having to buy everything I would also like advice on which HDDs to buy. 4TB WD RED or 4 TB SEAGATE Iron Wolf? :?: Also know if in the case you advised me the WD RED at 5400 rpm or 7200 rpm?
I thank you very much: DD and a salutone at all: wink:!
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Re: Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

Post by Don »

The 253B does have an expansion slot so it will allow you to add an expansion card. I would never run a NAS wireless. You will never get good performance. Always connect your NAS to the network via a wired connection.

You can use any drive you want just make sure they are on the compatibility list. The WD Reds are 5400 rpm so will give slightly less performance than a 7200 rpm drive. I use the HGST NAS drives (I have 12 between 2 NAS devices and a Windows server) and am very happy with them. With a two bay system I would run RAID 1 so depending on how much multimedia and other files you may want to get larger drives. Also what is your backup strategy?

How are you going to use your multimedia? How many concurrent users? Will you have to transcode?
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Use RAID and external backups. RAID will protect you from disk failure, keep your system running, and data accessible while the disk is replaced, and the RAID rebuilt. Backups will allow you to recover data that is lost or corrupted, or from system failure. One does not replace the other.

NAS: TVS-882BR | F/W: | 40GB | 2 x 1TB M.2 SATA RAID 1 (System/VMs) | 3 x 1TB M.2 NMVe QM2-4P-384A RAID 5 (cache) | 5 x 14TB Exos HDD RAID 6 (Data) | 1 x Blu-ray
NAS: TVS-h674 | F/W: | 16GB | 3 x 18TB RAID 5
Apps: DNSMasq, PLEX, iDrive, QVPN, QLMS, MP3fs, HBS3, Entware, DLstation, VS, +
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Re: Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

Post by sermon16 »

Grazie DON per le info. Ok allora lascero' lo slot per la scheda libero, mi potra' far comodo in seguito per altri tipi di schede PCI. Per i 2 HDD, se non c''e' una differenza significativa con gli altri , prendero' i WD Red 4 TB a 5400 giri /min. Per il Backup adesso adopero HDD Esterni, comunque dopo usero' anche il NAS. Riguardo al Multimedia, m'interessa vedere Foto e Film in TV e quando sono fuori tramite lo Smartphone e Tablet. Come utenti saremo in 3, io mia moglie e mio figlio. A volte usando il Drone DJI, avro' da muovere anche File Video in 4K.
Io penso che il TS-253B, con 4 gb di Ram e 2 WD, RED 4TB a 5400 rpm, potrebbe andarmi bene; oppure tu pensavi ad un altro tipo ?
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Re: Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

Post by Don »

Sorry, English please.
Use the forum search feature before posting.

Use RAID and external backups. RAID will protect you from disk failure, keep your system running, and data accessible while the disk is replaced, and the RAID rebuilt. Backups will allow you to recover data that is lost or corrupted, or from system failure. One does not replace the other.

NAS: TVS-882BR | F/W: | 40GB | 2 x 1TB M.2 SATA RAID 1 (System/VMs) | 3 x 1TB M.2 NMVe QM2-4P-384A RAID 5 (cache) | 5 x 14TB Exos HDD RAID 6 (Data) | 1 x Blu-ray
NAS: TVS-h674 | F/W: | 16GB | 3 x 18TB RAID 5
Apps: DNSMasq, PLEX, iDrive, QVPN, QLMS, MP3fs, HBS3, Entware, DLstation, VS, +
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Re: Acquisto TS253A oppure TS253B ?

Post by sermon16 »

Thank you DON for the info. Ok then I'll leave the slot for the free card, I'll be very comfortable then for other types of PCI cards. For the 2 HDDs, if there is no significant difference with the other, it will take the WD Red 4 TB at 5400 rpm. For Backup I now use External HDD, however after that I will also use the NAS. With regard to Multimedia, the interest to see the picture and film on TV and when I'm out through the Smartphone and Tablet. As a user we will be in 3, my wife and my son. Sometimes using Drone DJI, I'll also have 4K Video Files.
I think the TS-253B, with 4 gb Ram and 2 WD, RED 4TB at 5400 rpm, could go well; or did you think of another guy?

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