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[FAQ]How do I change the default Qmultimedia folder?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:45 pm
by QNAPJason
By default, Multimedia Station looks for photos that are stored in the Qmultimedia share folder.
However, you can change the lookup folder to another location.

Open a ssh shell from the console of a mac or linux computer, or use Putty in Windows. Login to your NAS as "admin"

Code: Select all

cd /share/Qmultimedia
ln -s /share/link/to/your/pictures
Now you should have a symbolic link called "pictures". Next, we have to change the crontab file to reflect the location of the pictures, because the default crontab for thumbnail generation will not look recursively into symbolic links.

Code: Select all

vi /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/crontab
Now press "i" to start editing.

Code: Select all

0 3 * * * /usr/local/sbin/ImR_all -soft /Qmultimedia

Code: Select all

0 3 * * * /usr/local/sbin/ImR_all -soft /Qmultimedia/pictures
press "Esc" then ":" and "wq" to exit and save the change.

Make sure you don’t mess up the crontab file. If you make a mistake, and you can’t remember how to correct it , simply press "Esc" then ":" and "q" to exit without saving anything.

Restart the crontab:

Code: Select all

crontab /etc/config/crontab