Networking services unavailable on TS-219PII

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Networking services unavailable on TS-219PII

Post by Mandraker1000 »

Hi all,
I have a problem with my qnap which I'm hoping somebody has already seen ...or could point me in the right direction. Firstly some basics, its a TS-219PII with the latest 4.3.3 s/w installed (I think Rev and the unit is factory defaulted (reset button back for > 15 sec), I had to do this as I had corrupted the drives with a series of power failures ( this is a different story :( ) . The unit is in Raid-1 config and even though I've recovered all of my files form the drives and now replaced them back onto the newly installed unit (not qnap sys files, just mine) , I'm having problems accessing the unit , let me explain whats happening.
If I cold boot the unit , and wait the required time for all services to come up, I can access the web interface, ssh port as expected and I can even find the unit by means of Qnap QFinder also I can even see on my windows desktop my network mounts. If I return in a few hours ....I'll still see the same ....however I'f I come back the next day ...hey presto , I can no longer access the web interface, the SSH port or find the unit with Qfinder , but whats really curious is that I can still see and browse my networking mounts on my desktop. Now if was just the web interface then I could surmise that potentially I've an issue with web server config, but why the ssh port , and why not find it on Qfinder. I've had to do a number of cold reboots (really don't like this) in order to get access the unit again , but each time the same happens again. I even done an Nmap scan on the box to see whats opened

26/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.5 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
|_ 2048 35:62:64:cb:44:cd:3e:9d:7d:10:************ (RSA)
139/tcp open netbios-ssn?
445/tcp open microsoft-ds Samba smbd 4.4.16
631/tcp open ipp CUPS 2.1
| http-methods:
| Supported Methods: GET HEAD OPTIONS POST PUT
|_ Potentially risky methods: PUT
|_http-server-header: CUPS/2.1 IPP/2.1
|_http-title: Not Found - CUPS v2.1.3
2049/tcp open nfs 4 (RPC #100003)
49152/tcp open upnp Portable SDK for UPnP devices 1.6.22 (Linux 3.4.6; UPnP 1.0)

Error'd Ports will return error of "port refused"

Kind Regards

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