Connectivity TS451+

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Connectivity TS451+

Post by dbits »

on Sunday I recognized that there is a new firmwareupdate - - available, actual is running.
I notice that the TS451+ made a restart without ending the services. After 15 minutes looking at the running wheel I turned it off, after a few minutes I switched it on again.
I was unable to get a connection to the Qnap either web nor win explorer.
I found out that NIC1 is dead, connecting to NIC2 is possible router gives a new IP, QfinderProshows my TS451+ shows an entry - but no chance to access my data.
The router shows a different MAC (NIC2) as Qfinder (NIC1).
TS451+ is EOL - do I have a chance to repair the device? Or just throw away?
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Re: Connectivity TS451+

Post by P3R »

I'd say that repairing on-board ethernet ports isn't worth the effort on an old TS-451+ but you should be able to recover and access your data over the working ethernet port.

Are you using the admin account? If so, did you notice this in the release notes when reading them prior to updating. "To enhance the security of your device, the default password for the system administrator account "admin" has been changed to your device's Cloud Key. For details, see this FAQ:".

If you have tried admin login with an older password, your client system may have been locked out due to failed attempts. Then change the IP address of the client to bypass the lockout.
RAID have never ever been a replacement for backups. Without backups on a different system (preferably placed at another site), you will eventually lose data!

A non-RAID configuration (including RAID 0, which isn't really RAID) with a backup on a separate media protects your data far better than any RAID-volume without backup.

All data storage consists of both the primary storage and the backups. It's your money and your data, spend the storage budget wisely or pay with your data!
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